3D printer upgrade

Sebi, on his own, came with a new 3D printer upgrade project – remote control. It all came like a surprise when he came and it was all set up and already working. Right now I am actually writing this to re-trace how he did it.

As the first, Sebi took one of his old Raspberry Pis – a tiny and affordable computer that you can use to learn programming through fun, practical projects.

.. and loaded it with an OctoPi!

Surprisingly there seems to be a picture showing how it works in practice:

Control a 3D printer with Raspberry, Docker, OctoPi and Motioneye

Then he connected it straight to the printer like this:

Overall it looks pretty cool.

Right now it is possible to login (when on our home local network) to http://octopi.local/?#control and after login in with proper credentials you are presented with some awesome interface allowing full-control of our 3D printer!

Screenshot below shows a printer temperature settings and relevant graphs.

Now it is very easy to launch the print from a comfort of our sofa and check how it progressed without actual need to go to the garage at all!

I see myself becoming a seriously big-fat-blob soon. Luckily at least Oli has some new super-cool moves on his scooter which I can start learning meanwhile. 🙂

Well done Oli && excellent job Sebi! You are my stars!

3 thoughts on “3D printer upgrade

  1. Sebíku, tebe bych tady potřeboval, abys mi udělal dálkové ovládání na mojí udírnu

  2. Well done team BBBlimp. One step forward. I can already visualize that 100 meters. Serge

    Sent from my iPad


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